Alberto Giacometti was famous for sculptures created from sticks, paper, wood, wire and string. His statues are very much like 3D drawings with thin lines of stick and string.
The kids’ activity on Giacometti in Discovering Great Artists (pages 112-113) is called “Sticks ‘n Straws.” Kids build structures with sticks of all varieties: toothpicks, chopsticks, straws, dry twigs and more. They are connected using playdough, clay, tape, child-safe hot glue gun…and further decorated with paper and string. Many suggestions are offered for a scene or subject that kids might create, but (as always) each child is free to pick their own story to illustrate with 3D sculptural shapes.
This open-ended project encourages kids to invent their own sculpture in the style of Giacometti. Our photo shows a colorful and elaborate sculpture using sticks, straws and tape…courtesy of Picklebums Blog!